Hair Transplantation

Cookie Policy in Turkey

Cookie Policy

Last updated: 21/04/2023

We, Axis Hair Clinic, value your security and aim to inform you briefly about which cookies we use on our website, for what purpose we use them, and how you can change your cookie settings with this Cookie Policy.

In order to be able to serve you better, please read this Cookie Policy to have a brief understanding of what kind of personal data is collected and processed through cookies. For more information, you can also check our Privacy Policy or contact us without hesitation.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small files stored on users’ devices to enable them to use websites more efficiently. Since personal data is processed through cookies, according to the Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698, users must be informed and their consent must be obtained.

In order to enable you, our dear visitors, to use our website more efficiently and to improve your user experiences, we use various cookies.

1. Mandatory Cookies

Mandatory cookies are cookies that enable the activation of basic functions related to the website, making the website usable. The website does not work properly without these cookies.

2. Performance Cookies

Performance cookies are cookies that anonymously collect visitors’ usage information and preferences related to the website, thereby allowing the improvement of the website’s performance.

3. Functional Cookies

Functional cookies are cookies that recognize and remember users based on their past use of the website, allowing the website to offer personalized services such as language, region, etc. to users.

4. Advertising Cookies

Advertising cookies are cookies owned by third parties and used to track visitors’ behaviors on websites. The purpose of these cookies is to help show ads that will appeal to visitors’ interests and the responsibility belongs to the cookie owner third parties.

What Personal Data Is Processed Through Cookies?

Your identity (name, surname, date of birth, etc.) and contact (address, e-mail address, phone, IP, location, etc.) information will be processed automatically or non-automatically and sometimes obtained from third parties such as analytic providers, advertising networks, search information providers, technology providers, and stored, recorded, updated, and processed based on legitimate interest processing condition during and throughout the service and contract relationship between us through cookies.

For What Purpose Are Cookies Used?

We use cookies on our website for the purpose of ensuring security through the detection of suspicious activities, increasing functionality and performance in line with users’ preferences, developing and personalizing products and services, and facilitating access to these services, fulfilling contractual and legal responsibilities. In addition, there is also information sharing with wider service providers through advertising cookies and third parties.

How Are Cookies Managed?

After all these explanations, the issue of which cookies will be used is entirely left to the free will of our users. You can manage your cookie preferences by deleting or blocking them from your browser settings when you step into our website or change these settings at any time in the future. For more detailed information, you can check our Privacy Policy or contact us at

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Frequently Asked Question

We’ve answered the most frequently asked questions about hair transplant.

Yes, hair transplant in Turkey is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced hair restoration specialist. However, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable clinic with a proven track record of success.

The cost of hair transplant in Turkey varies depending on the clinic, the technique used, and the extent of the procedure. On average, the cost can range from $1,500 to $5,000 USD.

The recovery time for hair transplant surgery in Turkey varies depending on the technique used and the extent of the procedure. However, most patients can return to work within a few days to a week after the surgery.

There are several hair transplant techniques available in Turkey, including Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), and the Sapphire FUE technique. Your hair restoration specialist can recommend the best technique for your unique needs and goals.

Yes, hair transplant in Turkey is a popular choice for international patients, and many hair restoration clinics offer specialized services for foreign patients, including translation services and travel arrangements.

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